The problem happened...
1. Just after the software installation
If the driver of the sentinel key has been installed while the key was already plugged in the computer/NC, it won't be detected.
- Uninstall the Modeva software. (Quit the Modeva software / start menu / DNC1200 / uninstall)
- Uninstall the sentinel driver. (Under Windows in programs setting, uninstall the "Sentinel protection installer" as any other standard application)
- Reinstall the Modeva software (the sentinel driver will also be installed in the process)
2. Over time, it used to work.
- The driver could be corrupted, follow procedure in step 1.
- It could be a hardware issue related to the CPU/computer, try using another usb port.
- Your dongle might be defective, you can try to use it on another computer to make sure.